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How Circle Reads Time

About Time Parsing

Time parsing is how Circle reads and understands time when you run a command which accepts a "time" option. To try and make it easier for users and moderators, Circle's time parser is quite complex and understands many different units of time, and allows you to enter more exact times. As a brief explanation to how Circle reads time, she basically reads your command message and analyses it for the units of time that she's been taught! If she finds a valid time unit, and it's preceded by a number, she'll recognise it as a time. Anything she reads after the time, she'll know is irrelevant to the time parser and remember it for later, because she'll use that for something different, such as a reason in a moderation command!

On this page, you'll find what units of time that Circle understands, examples of how to use the time parser, and the time limits for each command which uses the time parser.
At this time, the following commands use the time parser: ban, editcase, mute, lock, slowmode & remindme

Accepted Units of Time

UnitAccepted Units
Minutesm, ms, min, mins, minute, minutes
Hoursh, hs, hr, hrs, hour, hours
Daysd, ds, day, days
Weeksw, ws, wk, wks, week, weeks
Yearsy, ys, yr, yrs, year, years

The accepted units of time are case-insensitive. Cicle doesn't care if you use capital letters anywhere in your command message.

Command Time Limits

Ban1 minute1 year
Lock1 minute1 week
Mute1 minute1 month
SlowmodeNo minimum limit6 hours
Remindme1 minute1 year

The editcase command adhears to the same time limits as the ban and mute commands.


We'll run through some quick examples of how you can use a command using the time parser.

In these examples, we'll use the mute command, however you can use these same examples for any other command which uses the time parser!

Example 1

Say you want to mute someone just for an hour, the easiest way to do it would be to run c!mute @user 1h and that'll do the job. Want to be complicated? Then run c!mute @user 1 hour instead and it'll work the same way.

Example 2

Now lets say you want to mute someone for a more precise amount of time! If you wanted to mute someone for 2 hours and 15 minutes, you could do something like c!mute @user 2 hours, 15 minutes and it'll do just that. Or maybe you need that user muted asap, so you don't have time to write full words! You could do c!mute @user 2hrs 15 mins instead! Need the user muted even quicker than that? Then do c!mute @user 2h 15m instead!

Remember: Commas aren't required when using multiple units of time. You can use a space and Circle will still understand it perfectly fine!

Example 3

In this last example, we'll understand how Circle can understand the words "an" or "a" as a time limit. When followed by an accepted unit of time, Circle will read "an" or "a" as the number 1.

As a quick example, you could mute someone for 1 hour by running c!mute @user an hour. If you wanted someone muted for 1 day and 1 hour, you could do c!mute @user a day, an hour. Easy, right? Just so you know, Circle will accept "an" or "a" for any accepted unit of time! And don't worry, Circle doesn't care if you make a grammar mistake, she will still accept it if you ran c!mute @user an day, even though that doesn't make sense...

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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