Variable Reference
These are some advanced variables that you will be able to use within Custom Commands and Auto Replies! This allows you to make your creations more advanced, and gives you the chance to explore many different possibilities with Circle! Circle Emojis These emojis are used in Circle's default replies. You can use them in custom replies, too! Circle Logo: <:circle:962300635770945606> Circle Premium Logo: <:premium:991756570050441308> Check Mark: <:circleCheck:597928247455PopularCircle Premium
Circle Premium ⭐️ Donate to Circle to get a really cool role in our Discord server and exclusive perks that will make your server even greater than it already is! I have a question or concern about premium! We're always ready to assist you when you need us! Please visit us in our Support Server Why should I donate to Circle? We don't want anyone to feel obligated to spend their money on Circle, we promise that we are always going to keep the corePopularSwitching Discord Accounts
Logged into the wrong account? Log out of Circle You can click logout or, head over to Log out of Discord on your browser First go to Discord's website Go to User Settings Click Log Out Finishing Up Log back into Discord @ Log back into Circle @ (Some readersCircle Staff Welcome Button
Circle Staff joined my server? To prevent impersonation, whenever a Circle staff member joins your server, you'll see a button attached to your welcome message. A member of our team might be joining if you asked for help, or, they're just joining to participate in your community (we're humans too 😉)! How else can I see if someone is a Circle staff member? All developers, contributors, and currentSome readersDiscord Timeout via Circle
Discord Timeouts via Circle Discord recently introduced their server time out feature! Time outs are similar to the already existing mute command offered by Circle. You can learn about timeouts here: What advantages does the time out feature have over regular (role based) mutes? Time outs are handled directly through Discord, your members are shown a more friendly message than "You cannot send messages in this channel." What your members see when they're timed-outFew readersPer Command Permissions
Per Command Permissions This allows you to set allowed roles and channels, along with ignored roles and channels for every command. No more fiddling with custom commands to restrict commands! Setting Up First, go to your dashboard Select your server Click on the "Commands" button on the left. Find the command you'd like to restrict Click on it, and make your changes! ( readersVerification Security
Circle's verification system is completely secure. Your IP address is not shared with anyone, including guild administrators. If your IP was flagged, it's most likely due to you using a VPN. If you are currently not utilizing a VPN please messages one of the server staff to have you bypassed through the system. Your information is secure and has not / will not be shared with anyone.Few readersCan't Verify? Here's Why
Roblox Verification Sometimes you may not always be able to successfully connect your Roblox account to Circle. There are a few reasons why this may happen, keep reading! New Roblox Account Server Administrators have the ability to choose how old a Roblox account needs to be for Circle to verify your account. If your Roblox account is too new, and Circle isn't letting you verify, you can try and reach out to the Moderators or Administrators of the server that you're trying to verifFew readersHow Circle Reads Time
About Time Parsing Time parsing is how Circle reads and understands time when you run a command which accepts a "time" option. To try and make it easier for users and moderators, Circle's time parser is quite complex and understands many different units of time, and allows you to enter more exact times. As a brief explanation to how Circle reads time, she basically reads your command message and analyses it for the units of time that she's been taught! If she finds a valid time unit, and it'sFew readers