What's Logging?
This plugin enables Circle to report most events in your server, such as message deletions, to a designated channel (or multiple) to always stay on top of what's going on. You can even log deleted images, videos, and other files. Amazing, right?
Getting Started
Navigate to your server's dashboard.
Select the Logging plugin. If it's not enabled, you'll need to enable it.
Follow the instructions below.

Logging Modes: Embeds vs. Compact
Circle has two logging modes: embeds and compact. This setting will affects logging across the entire bot, modlogs included!
To set the logging mode, simply select embeds or compact messages from the drop-down.

What's Embed Logging?
Embed logging is the industry standard logging. It's modern, cozy and color coded so you can identify different events with ease.

What's Compact Logging?
Combat logging is embedless straight-to-the-point logging. It's small so you can see more events in the same screen-space.

Logging Channels
Circle can either log all events to one channel, or delegate different events to different channels.
Sending All Events to One Channel
Select a logging channel from the drop-down.

Separating Events to Different Logging Channels
Click Separate each logging event into a different channel.
Select a channel for each event. Leaving a box empty will disable the event, selecting Use Default Channel will use the channel selected in the logging channel box.

Ignoring Channels and Categories
To ignore a channel/category, simply select it from the drop-down.

Selecting Text Channels will ignore all text channels, Voice Channels will ignore all voice channels. Setting a category as an ignored channel will ignore all text channels inside that category.
[PREMIUM] Setting Custom Embed Colors/Emojis
Premium users are able to set up a custom embed color (for "Embed Logging" users) or a custom emoji (for "Compact Logging" users) for each individual logging event. To set this up, follow these steps:
Click the gear icon to the left of the logging event you wish to edit.
If you're using compact logging, just click inside of the "Emoji" box and choose what emoji you'd like to use (you can even use custom emojis from your own server!). Then press "OK" to save your changes.
If you're using embed logging, open the "Embed Color Choice" dropdown and choose whether you want to specify a specific color for your logging embed, or whether you want Circle to pick a random color for you each time she sends a log of that event.
If you want to pick a specific color, choose that from the dropdown. You'll now see a "Color" box! Just click that and a color picker will pop up, and you can choose whatever color you want! You can even type in your own hex code if you already have your heart set on a specific color! Once you've chosen your color, press "OK" to save your changes.

[PREMIUM] Private Log Channels
Private log channels allow you to give your lower-ranked moderators access to a log channel for the rest of the server, and have a separate log channel for higher-ranked moderators to allow them to view logs of more sensitive channels & categories.
For example, if your logging system allows your moderators to view logs of every channel in the server except for your private administrator channels, normally you'd have to just ignore those admin channels so that your moderators can't see any deleted/edited message logs from your admin channels in the log channel. But with private channel logging, you can have a separate logging channel which only your admins can see, which Circle will use to send deleted/edited message logs (and much more) from your admin channels.
To set up a private log channel, follow these steps:
Scroll to the bottom of your logging page until you see "Private Channel Logs".
Press the "Create New" button.
On the popup dialogue that appears, click the "Logging Channel" dropdown and choose a private log channel. This is the channel where Circle will send logs from anything that happens inside of your "Private Channels".
Now click the "Private Channels" dropdown and choose any private channels or categories which shouldn't get logged to your main logging channel. Then press "Save" to save your changes.
You will now see your private log channel appear in the list of your private log channels. You can click "Edit" to make any changes to it, or click "Delete" to delete it.
You must remove your private channels from your ignored channels in your logging settings (if there are any). If you've got a private log channel set up, you don't need to ignore private channels.
Updated on: 31/10/2024
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