Circle 2.0 - 12/24/2020
We know it's been a long day... without you my friend... and we're overjoyed to tell you all about what we did while we were gone! We're very sorry for the extremely long wait for v2, our developers worked extraordinarily hard to make this happen. We promise to begin releasing smaller but more frequent updates from now on. Oh, and Circle Premium is finally here! Read about it and how to get it here. New Plugins: The new, long-awaited Automod plugin, toFew readersCircle 2.3 - 08/25/2021
New Features Circle now fully supports Discord's new threads feature. THE c!animal COMMAND NOW HAS MORE CUTE ANIMALS AAAAAAAAAAA. You can now have Circle delete her response to a Custom Command after a certain amount of time. Circle can now include the case number in moderation confirmation messages. You can now require your mods to provide a duration for mutes. Automod can now warnFew readersBan Appeal - 09/23/2021
Ban Appeal We've introduced a brand new ban appeal plugin to Circle! The ban appeals plugin is a color 66ccff (premium only) plugin that allows banned members of your server to appeal their punishment. We've made it easier for you to create and manage appeals in your server with our form creator, automatic unbanning, prerequisites and so much more. In other words, goodbye Google form ban appeals! *We even have another plugin planned to let you completelyFew readersJune Mini-Updates - 06/23/2021
Since our last main update (2.2), our developers have released a few smaller updates to add highly requested features. New Features Moderation Added the ability to have Circle remove all roles when members are muted. When they are unmuted, the roles they had prior to being muted will automatically be re-given! Added a new "Show case number on mod command confirmation" option. Changes Commands Increased the deletion confirmation message threshold in the c!purge command fFew readersProduct Update - 11/11/2021
New Features You can now use the c!testfilter automod filter "message" to see if a message will be automodded! The Fake-Nitro filter has been updated with the latest scams and will also begin deleting other common phishing links. New Interactions & Markdown Circle now uses buttons instead of reactions or awaiting a text-based response throughout the bot (modlogs, void, purge, and remindme)! We've added a confirmation (WITH BUTTONS!!!) on the c!void command to avoid misFew readersProduct Update - 10/16/2021
Per-Command Permissions We've added the ability to configure permissions on a per-command basis! Some of the most popular use-cases we've heard this feature can be used for are: restricting "trial moderators" to only warning users instead of giving them all mod commands, letting certain "VIP" users use the amazing c!animal command, and more! You can read more about per-command permissions here. Misc. ChangesFew readersProduct Update - 10/22/2021
Automod Upgrades Added a new automod filter that detects and deletes fake Discord Nitro gift links. This filter is in beta and may occasionally have false-positives. Please report false detections in our support server! Added the ability to set ignored roles and channels per-automod filter. You can read about our automod plugin here. Credits Flatbird0001 - Owner, Developer iiFDCT00Few readersProduct Update - 03/16/2022
A quick note... Circle is now on 40,000+ servers! 🎉 We're beyond thrilled to know that over 40k of you are using Circle. Thank you for your continued support! It means a lot!!! Thank you Circle Staff! Thank you to all of the dedicated support team members we have, we wouldn't be here without you! We'd also like to give a special thanks (and goodbye 😢) to... gwn0223 - our former Support Manager and team member of over two years. stealthwave0001 - our former QA Manager &Few readersCircle 2.5 - 10/19/2022
New Features Roblox Verification - read aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllll about it Ghost mentions automod filter. Improvements Circle now keeps track of the modlog message when saving things to her database, this allows the modlog to be hyperlinked in the c!modlogs command! You can now choose if you want to view someone's server avatar or global avatar when using the c!avatar command. We now officiallyFew readersProduct Update - 12/20/2021
New Features Circle can now log deleted videos and other files! You can now configure the mute command to use Discord's new time out feature instead of giving a role! The Fake-Nitro filter is now out of beta and has been renamed to the "Phishing/Scam Link" filter. Improvements / Fixes Fixed false detections on the Phishing/Scam Link filter. The "Manage Events," and "Timeout Members" permissions have been added to the editrole command. Happy Holidays from everyone at Circle!Few readersProduct Update - 05/07/2022
New Features Button Roles option for reaction roles! You can now use modern and stylish buttons instead of outdated reactions 😎! Button roles will now be the default option when creating a new reaction role. Ignored categories on within the Automod plugin. Roles managed by Twitch or Youtube and the Nitro Booster role is now selectable within dropdowns on the website. Added a "warn" option to Automod filter actions. You can now use * as a trigger (enable wildcard as well) within aFew readersProduct Update - 07/25/2022
New Features Embeds! Auto Replies, Custom Commands, Reaction Roles, and Welcome messages all support (proper) embeds via an embed editor on the website! Server owners can now fully delete & reset all mod logs from their server via the "settings" page on the dashboard! WARNING: This is irreversible! Be careful. You can now suppress the output from c!commands run within custom commands! Improvements Reminders can now be snoozed when you're sent them via DM! FixesFew readersCircle 2.7 - 03/06/2023
New Features You can now and reminders! Use c!remindme edit or c!remindme duplicate to open up a form, to allow you to make changes to, or duplicate, an existing reminder. You can choose to change the time or text of the reminder! When you vote on Circle via, Circle adds a pretty "Circle Voter" badge and acknowledgement to your profile, viewable in the whois command! AdFew readersCircle 2.8 - 07/20/2023
New Features Added c!ban as a new "User" context menu command! You can now right click a user Ban User, to ban them through Circle! The Welcome plugin dashboard page now has a "Test Message" button, allowing you to test your join & leave messages to make sureFew readersCircle 2.6 - 01/22/2023
Slash Commands! We have implemented slash commands! All guilds will now have slash commands enabled for all commands. Slash commands, like text-based commands, will follow the settings on the dashboard. At the moment, slash commands only follow your dashboard command settings! This will be improved in the future.Few readersCircle 2.9 - 08/20/2023
New Features Added Server admins now have the ability to go to their servers dashboard and view the last 50 command and dashboard logs, showing them who has used commands and who has made changes to their dashboard. You can now and Custom Commands! Exporting a Custom Command will generate a unique ID for that command, and then you can use that ID to share your command with a frieFew readersCircle 3.0 - 12/30/2023
Note Commands! Using Circle's new note system, you can now add, edit, and remove notes from users! Moderators can add notes to a user, and edit them as they wish. Note edits are even noted down by Circle (excuse the pun), so even if a Moderator edits a note, you will still be able to view the full edit history using the command on a user. To make notes easier to identify, each note will have a specific ID along with them, which moderators can use within tFew readersCircle 3.1 - 05/17/2024
Premium Plugin: Recurring Reminders This plugin allows you to send messages on recurring intervals. For example, you can set a message to repeat every minute or another to post every Wednesday. This plugin is highly configurable and allows for endless possibilities. Premium News & Sale We've introduced for a limited time. Currently,Few readersCircle 3.3 - 07/28/2024
New Features Added Ignored Roles to the plugin! Circle won't log events from users with an ignored role.Few readersCircle 3.2 - 07/04/2024
Premium Plugin: Reports This plugin allows your members to right click (desktop) or long press (mobile) a message, then click "Apps", then click "Report" to send messages to your report queue. Once the message has been sent to your report queue, moderators can choose to decide to take immediate action upon the offending user, from simply discarding the report, to making Circle delete the message from the click of a button, all the way to quickly selecting a moderation action to take on the ofFew readersCircle 3.4 - 10/31/2024
New Features Automod Updates Ability to separate Automod logs to different channels per filter. For example, you could now have your Bad Words automod violation logs be sent to a separate channel than all of the other filters. Ability to change the warning message Circle sends when someone triggers a filter. Customise your message for each filter and make it your own - or even send a gif!Few readersCircle 2.2 - 06/12/2021
We've been hard at work to incorporate new Discord features, and add some new features of our own in this update! New Features Automod Prevent users from sending messages with stickers, too many newlines, or files with the new perspective filters. Set channels as ignored to achieve l a w l e s s n e s s. Ability to have roles ignored from automod that aren't server staff. Commands Edit roles with the new c!editrole command which allows you to edit the name, position, peSome readersCircle 2.1 - 02/12/2021
Howdy! We've been hard at work on the following updates! New Features Core Settings Updates: You can now add globally ignored channels and roles. Circle will completely ignore any commands inside ignored channels and commands from users with an ignored role. Automod Updates: Updated banned words to utilize wildcard and exact cases! Duplicated text no longer stands a chance with our duplicated text filter! Don't want links? No problem, we have a setting for that! MFew readers