Articles on: Changelogs

Circle 3.3 - 07/28/2024

New Features

Added Ignored Roles to the Logging plugin! Circle won't log events from users with an ignored role.

Note: Ignored Roles affects the Member Update, Voice Join/Leave/Switch, Message Delete & Message Edit events. She will still log when a user with an ignored role performs an action on a user who doesn't have an ignored role. For example, if a user with an ignored role deletes a message from a user who doesn't have one, the message deletion will still be logged.

The c!transfermodlogs command will now log when one of your Admins transfer modlogs from one user to another. The command will no longer work unless you have a modlog channel set up, and Circle has full permissions to send messages into that channel.
The c!modlogs command now has a "View Notes" button which will show you all of a users' notes with the click of a button!

[EXPERIMENT] Image & File Logging Updates

As a result of Discord's recent changes to their CDN, it has become significantly more challenging for Circle (and many other bots) to log deleted files and images. Consequently, our image and file logging capabilities have become somewhat unreliable, with Circle occasionally failing to log deleted images or files. Essentially, Discord now almost immediately deletes the image or file from their CDN once a message is deleted, leaving Circle and other bots with minimal time to transfer the image to your logging channel before it is deleted by Discord.

However, we don't want to just get rid of image logging altogether. Therefore, we've introduced a new experiment which should improve Circle's image & file logging capabilities. Please note that this is an experiment, so there may be cases where Circle doesn't log a deleted image or file in your server. Unfortunately, there is nothing our support team will be able to do to help you with this - it's simply a limitation put in place by Discord. If Circle doesn't grab the deleted image/file before Discord deletes it, we're unable to log it.

Rest assured that we will continue to work on this and try our absolute best to bring Circles image & file logging feature to its former glory! Watch this space

Circle will only try to log a specific number of images and files when a message is deleted in order to prevent abuse. This limit should not realistically pose any problems for anyone except for spammers.

[PREMIUM] Report Updates

New "Message Report Threshold" option! This option allows you to choose how many users need to report a message before it gets sent to your report queue channel.
Users can now report anonymously if you allow them to! Enable the "Allow Anonymous Reports" option to allow this in your server. If you keep it disabled (default), users will not be able to send anonymous reports.
If someone reports a message sent by a moderator/admin, moderation actions will no longer show up when you click the "Moderate" button in your report queue channel, because Circle does not allow you to moderate server moderators or admins. "Add Member Note" and "Delete Message" will still appear!
The "Delete Threshold" option no longer requires 1 additional report before it deletes the message.
Fixed another issue with the "Delete Threshold" option, where Circle wouldn't send the "New Report!" embed to your report queue channel once your delete threshold is met. She would just delete the message and do nothing else.
Fixed Circle sending a success message when a user reported a message, even when she wasn't able to forward the reported message to server staff, due to the Report plugin not being set up properly.

Anonymous reports setting! (ignore the typo)

[PREMIUM] Roblox Updates

New "Verification Log Channel" option! This channel is used by Circle to log when a member verifies in your server, and she will also log when a user was unable to verify for some reason.
New "Minimum Roblox Account Age" option! This allows you to set a minimum account age requirement for users to verify in your server. If someone tries to verify with a Roblox account which isn't old enough to meet your age requirement, Circle will refuse to give them your verified role.

If you set a verification log channel, Circle will log when this ^ happens in your server!

New "Don't change users' nicknames to their Roblox usernames" option! Don't want Circle to change the nicknames of users in your server to their Roblox username? Turn this option on!
You can now bind multiple different Roblox group ranks to a Discord role. There's no longer any need to create a ton of Roblox binds to give 5 different ranks a Discord role!
If Circle cannot connect to Roblox for whatever reason when verifying a user, she will now respond with an error to inform the user of the connection issue, rather than just ignoring them and erroring silently.
[EXPERIMENT]: Introduced new & improved way of fetching users profiles from Roblox. This new method will help speed Circle up when verifying users after they've verified for their first ever time. This is an experiment and may be removed from Circle in the future if it doesn't work as great as we want it to.

Auto Reply Updates

This plugin now has the "Allow this response to mention @everyone, @here and all roles" option, just like Custom Commands do!
You can now make Circle automatically respond to specific stickers & custom emojis from your own server!
Circle can now send stickers too! What's more, she can send a sticker as well as a message or even an embed!

Pretty cool, right?


Reformatted the way that moderation DMs look when a user is banned, muted, kicked, etc. They're now a lot neater and easier to read!
If you have the "Show case number" and "DM users when they are moderated" moderation options enabled, Circle will now also share the case number with the user when Circle DMs them.
Whenever you use the --silent flag in moderation commands, Circle now reassures you in the success message that she didn't message them. No more wondering if Circle actually acknowledged your --silent flag!
If Circle constantly doesn't have permissions to automatically unmute/unban a user from your server, she will eventually stop trying to do it. This change was made to filter out servers with permission issues, so that Circle can continue automatically unmuting/unbanning users from other servers at an efficient rate.

If Circle cannot unmute/unban a user after a lot of attempts, you will need to fix her permissions, and then use c!unmute or c!unban to undo the action yourself! She will also attempt to warn moderators/admins of the server of her missing permissions when this happens, and a full list of mutes/unbans that she is no longer attempting to undo can be found by running the c!moderations command.


Fixed Circle not logging when users were given/removed from roles added/removed with the c!role command.
Fixed the c!transfermodlogs command sometimes not transferring all of a users' modlogs.

^ This bug fix was released much earlier than when this changelog was posted. Any modlogs affected by this bug have already been manually transferred to the correct user, so don't worry, your modlogs are correct!

When you clicked the accept/deny button on a ban appeal, you could continue clicking it multiple times until Circle had finished unbanning the user and sending the log. If you did this, Circle would spam your logging channel with appeal accepted/denied logs and attempt to unban the user multiple times... We fixed that.
Removed duplicate timestamp from the footer of the embed in the c!quote command.
Fixed a bug where disabling the "Enable text based (prefix) commands" option would hide the "Ignored Channels" & "Ignored Roles" options on your settings page.
Fixed the c!ban command not banning users when you mention them.
Fixed the c!modlogs command erroring if you tried using the before or after sub commands with an incorrect date format.
Fixed the c!roleinfo command sending a generic error message when you ran the command on a role which doesn't exist. It now tells you that the role doesn't exist like it should do.
Fixed the c!remindme command not allowing you to edit/duplicate a reminder without changing the time.
Fixed the Logging plugin showing "null" if Circle couldn't find the moderators username.
Fixed a bug with the Recurring Reminders plugin where it wouldn't let you re-select a date on the "Set First Post Date" option. So if you clicked the wrong date by accident, and then you tried closing the date/time popup and reopening it, it would only let you change the time. No more having to re-create the entire reminder because you clicked the wrong date!
When you edited/duplicated a reminder with a new time, Circle would set the new reminder time to ~54 years from now... Whoopsies.
Minor typo & grammar fixes.



@flatbird - Developer
@conorwastaken - Developer
@pgday - Developer
@aaronb_ - Manager
Circle Team & Testers

Updated on: 28/07/2024

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