Circle 3.4 - 10/31/2024
New Features
Automod Updates
[PREMIUM] Ability to separate Automod logs to different channels per filter. For example, you could now have your Bad Words automod violation logs be sent to a separate channel than all of the other filters.
[PREMIUM] Ability to change the warning message Circle sends when someone triggers a filter. Customise your message for each filter and make it your own - or even send a gif!
[NEW] "Excessive Caps" filter. Don't want users being allowed to spam capital letters in your server? Enable this filter! You can even choose your very own custom limit, which decides how much of a message can be in capital letters before Circle filters the message.
[NEW] Added "DM users on Automod warning" option. This will DM users when they trigger Automod in your server, which will tell them what filter they triggered.
[COMING SOON] More customizable settings + support for Discords built-in automod system! Watch this space! 😉

Logging Updates
We've changed the layout of the Logging plugin page so it's easier for users to read. Along with this, we've added a plethora of new customization settings!
[PREMIUM] Ability to customize your embed color for each logging event - you can choose a specific color or make Circle choose a random color each time the log is sent! If you use compact logging, you can change the emoji which Circle uses in the log message, even custom emojis!
[PREMIUM] Added "Private Channel Logging". Want more control over sensitive/admin channels? Set up a private log channel to capture message deletions, edits, command logs, and more from specific private channels without cluttering your main log channel.
[NEW] Added Command Logs. Circle can now log when users use any command in your server, even Custom Commands!
[NEW] You can now add Ignored Channels to individual events! Affects: Message Delete, Message Edit, Command Logs, Channel Create, Channel Delete, Channel Update, Voice Channel Join, Voice Channel Leave & Voice Channel Switch.
[NEW] You can also add Ignored Roles to individual events! Affects: Message Delete, Message Edit, Command Logs, Role Update, Member Update, Voice Channel Join, Voice Channel Leave & Voice Channel Switch.
Note: Adding ignored roles to role update logs ignores the role itself (meaning Circle won't log when the role is updated), whereas if you add ignored roles to any other event then Circle will ignore users who have at least one of the ignored roles. For example, adding an ignored role to the "Voice Channel Join" event will mean that Circle won't log when users with an ignored role join one of your voice channels.
The "Member Join" event now shows a relative time format along with the users account age. Ex: Account Created: 7th July 2024 09:00 (20 days, 12 hours ago)
If you have embed logging enabled, when a user edited/deleted a message containing a custom emoji which Circle couldn't send (usually due to her not being in the server where the emoji is), Circle would hyperlink the emoji inside of the logging embed. This ensures moderators & admins would always be able to view any custom emojis which users use, in case someone ever uses a NSFW emoji. Well, she now does this inside of compact logs too! 💙
Other Plugin Updates
Added Ban Messages to the Welcome plugin. This allows you to make Circle send a separate message to a channel of your choice when someone is banned!
Added "Don't send this welcome message when user rejoins" option to the Welcome plugin. This allows you to make it so your join messages don't get re-sent if someone joins, leaves, and then rejoins your server.
Added "Auto delete previous reminder" option to the Recurring Reminders plugin. This option makes it so when Circle sends a new recurring reminder to a channel, she'll delete the previous one she has sent. Useful if you have a channel which isn't very active and you want Circle's message to always be shown in chat without the risk of showing more than 1 of the same reminder.
Added "Show moderator username in moderation DMs" option to the Moderation plugin. This will share the moderators username with the moderated user when Circle DMs them.
The "Delete Response After" option in the Custom Commands plugin now affects command variables ({c!command}) too! So when you use a command variable inside of a Custom Command, Circle will run the command like normal, and she will auto-delete the command response after your chosen "delete after" time has passed.
Fixed the "Ignored Channels" option not correctly ignoring forum channels in ALL plugins.
Implemented "Dangerous" logs to the Dashboard Logs page. Certain actions, such as resetting your servers modlogs, will get marked as dangerous. These logs will have a big red "DANGEROUS" marker in the list of dashboard logs, so they're much easier for admins or server owners to spot.
Added -c sub command to the c!say command. This only works with the -e and -i sub commands, and it will change the color of the embed which Circle sends. Run c!help say for more information!
The c!remindme command now allows you to reply to messages to set reminders. Right click a message (or hold on mobile) then click "Reply". Then just run the c!remindme command and supply a time (Ex: c!remindme 1 hour and Circle will remind me of the message I'm replying to in 1 hour).
Improved Circles understanding of reading dates (used in the c!modstats & c!modlogs commands). She used to get confused if you didn't provide a year - she now understands that if you don't provide a year then you probably mean the current year. She also better understands how different countries have different date formats (for example, in some countries, like the UK, they use the format DD-MM-YYYY whereas in other countries, like the USA, they use the format MM-DD-YYYY)
All moderation commands which allow you to use a --silent flag now support the iOS special double hyphen character (—) because Apple has to make everything difficult.
All information slash commands (like /help, /info, etc.) will now respond ephemerally (meaning only you can see them) since nobody else really needs to see when you run those commands. (SLASH COMMANDS ONLY)
Made the c!modstats command much faster! To increase the speed of this command, any moderators who have left your server will not have their tag shown on your modstats leaderboard - Circle will just show their user ID instead.
Circle's unban & unmute statistics will now be shown in the c!modstats [user] command.
Fixed the website not correctly importing the "Delete After" option in the Custom Commands plugin.
Fixed the c!mention command not actually pinging roles.
Fixed the c!remindme sub commands getting confused if you tried to set a reminder starting with one of the sub command names. Ex: c!remindme Remove mute from user in 2 hours used to make Circle think you were trying to remove a reminder, when you were actually trying to set one.
Made the Automod, Roblox and Starboard plugin pages neater on mobile devices.
Fixed the "Links" Automod filter deleting messages containing allowed links if you used the allowed link more than once.
Changed some error messages across the bot and made them a little more descriptive.
A few other minor typo & bug fixes.
@flatbird - Developer
@conorwastaken - Developer
@pgday - Developer
@aaronb_ - Manager
Circle Team & Testers
Updated on: 31/10/2024
Thank you!